
In my previous employment (before joining The Keys Academy Trust), I was Headteacher of a maintained primary school. At the time (and as an experienced Headteacher), I could not see the benefits of joining a MAT and enjoyed the autonomy of being in a maintained school. However, in looking for new challenges, I moved to join The Keys Academy Trust and now fully understand the vast and vital benefits of being in a Trust, particularly one such as The Keys Academy Trust. 

One of the most important aspects for a leader (whether new to leadership or experienced) is the sense of shared community and support that The Keys Academy Trust brings. Each school is invested in helping everyone else succeed, and this support enhances practice, reduces workload and fosters strong working relationships. We all work together to share resources, staff and expertise where appropriate, leading to improvements in and out of the classroom. The formalised practices across The Keys Academy Trust are only put in place to enhance the effectiveness of each school, and the effectiveness of what the central team at the Trust can provide to us (i.e. data analysis or support identifying emerging CPD needs as a group of schools).

As an experienced leader, one benefit for me personally has been my professional development. Within a year, I have been appointed as Executive Headteacher across three schools, which has enabled me to hone my practice and develop new skills. The opportunity for professional development through NPQs (for which The Keys Academy Trust is a local delivery partner) or more specific CPD through our Peer Review system (where senior leaders are part of a review at schools based on key questions, forming part of our Trust-wide supportive school improvement system) has been invaluable, and I am a stronger leader from the experiences I have been afforded within The Keys Academy Trust. The Trust's Education Development Group also allows me to act as a School Improvement Partner to support other schools.

For the teachers and staff within the schools, the CEO, Director of Teaching, Learning and School Improvement and other central team leads source or lead training to support all colleagues. Finance/business staff have central support and a network of other similar roles to support them, and in-class staff have a number of CPD opportunities through insets, twilights, roundtable events and more. 

The Keys Academy Trust is focused on support for its leaders and their teams, so there is regular support and advice for inspections, data, statutory training and much more. I have been incredibly impressed with the central team's ability to provide consistency of practice and systems whilst also allowing leaders to, for want of a better word, lead. I feel able to make the decisions I feel are important for my schools, but also know I have colleagues in other schools and The Keys Academy Trust central team ready to support whenever I need anything. I have grown as a practitioner and leader within the Trust, and also feel I have helped improve outcomes and experiences for others as well. I am encouraged to take initiative, drive forward and make a difference, and this enables me and my schools to flourish. I cannot recommend The Keys Academy Trust enough as a team in which to work.

Phil Sherwood, Executive Headteacher, Sonning CE Primary School - January 2024

Thank you for your dedicated leadership and support to St Nicholas School over the last 18 months. We remain on a journey of improvement and the excellent SATs results, 2023, are a good measure that we are on the right track. Your support and that from members of The Keys Academy Trust (TKAT) Central Team have been a significant part of delivering the progress we have seen.

I would also like to thank the members of the TKAT Central Team that supported us through our OFSTED Inspection. It felt like there was a well-oiled machine put into place to make sure the right result was delivered. We are so pleased with the outcome, which gives us all another platform to build from. 

John Rankin, Chair of Governors St. Nicholas CE Primary School, Hurst – October 2023

Throughout the whole academisation process, we found The Keys Academy Trust to be extremely supportive. From the initial presentation to the final academy order, they were always available to answer any questions or queries we had. We truly felt like part of the Trust, and were included in CPD events and conferences, which gave us a taste of what being part of a family of schools would be like even before the conversion on 1st November 2023.

Since converting, The Keys Academy Trust has continued to guide us through the implementation of new systems. The central team and other schools in the Trust have always been there to lend a helping hand whenever needed. What sets The Keys Academy Trust apart is their recognition of our uniqueness and our ability to serve our own school community. While we are part of a family of schools, we still have ownership of how best to serve our children and families which is what makes St Michael’s special. Additionally, we have already had access to exciting collaborative opportunities which has had a positive effect already on teaching and learning.

We are grateful to have found a partner in The Keys Academy Trust who values our individuality while providing a supportive network of schools. We believe that our students and staff will greatly benefit from this partnership.

Stuart Bevan, Headteacher St. Michael's CE Primary School, Sandhurst – January 2024

Initially, stepping into the role of Head of School felt daunting, but with the support of the Trust, I have felt empowered and developed confidence in my ability to lead our school to achieve successful outcomes for our children. 

From the moment I was appointed, I have been privileged to work alongside a team of dedicated professionals who are truly passionate about education. The Trust has provided me with the resources, guidance, and opportunities for professional development, allowing me to grow both personally and academically within my new role. 

One of the key aspects of being part of the Trust is the commitment to collaboration through fostering a network of like-minded leaders and creating a supportive community.  Leaders share best practice, exchange ideas, and learn from one another, while also providing a safe environment where questions can be asked and support provided.  

The Trust understands that a successful school is built upon a strong foundation of effective governance and strategic planning. This has been made more achievable by the provision of guidance on financial management, HR, and compliance. This has not only lightened workload, but has also allowed me to focus on what truly matters – the education and well-being of our children. 

The most important aspect to me is the genuine care the Trust show through a culture of empathy, understanding, and support, recognising that a happy and supported staff is vital for the strength of our leadership teams and therefore the success of our schools.

Sarah Hilling, Head of School St. Nicholas CE Primary School, Hurst – January 2024

If you are interested in learning more about The Keys and working in a family of schools, which benefit from our Key Services, please contact us via: enquiries@keysacademytrust.org